Heck, Amodei join Steve King’s (R-IA) Nightmare

American DreamIf this is part of the Republican Party plan to win the hearts of Hispanic heritage voters in Nevada… I’m baffled.  On June 6, 2013 two members of the Nevada Congressional delegation — Reps. Joe Heck and Mark Amodei — voted in favor of Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) amendment to H.R. 2217,  [roll call 208] which passed the GOP controlled House with a 224-201 margin.

Rep. King’s amendment explicitly prohibit the use of funds to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce the “Morton Memos”.  And, what are Morton Memos?  The reference is to ICE Director Morton’s memorandum of June 17, 2011 which directs agencies involved in the prosecution of individuals alleged to be in violation of immigration laws to use discretion and to consider factors  like age and educational attainment and aspirations — i.e. Dreamers.  [memo pdf]

Nevada’s Democratic Representatives Titus and Horsford voted “no” on the amendment.  We might want to ask Representatives Amodei and Heck how that GOP outreachy plan is working for them?

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