>The Well Publicized Governor: Gibbons May Hold Gubernatorial Record in Wonkette?

>It really would be nice to browse around the Internet(s) and NOT see quite so many reports about His Irrelevancy, Jim “Governor” Gibbons of Nevada. TPM Muckracker calls his issues “a must read.” Or being reminded by the self-same publication that “Nevada’s passed a law imposing controls and reporting requirements for legal defense funds…” Shall we call SB 425 the Jim Gibbons Defense Fund Bill? [LVSun]

However, we know we’ve made the big time when the New York Times discusses his ‘rocky start,’ and politely refers to his performance thus far as ‘suboptimal.’ The Times was indeed much kinder than the Wonkette which headlined: “Drunken idiot crook Nevada Guv now popular as Bush.” Heaven help us, Wonkette has published about 17+ entries about our Guv. At this rate the Governor’s popularity rating will start to equal the number of time the Wonkette has published yet another link to one of his escapades?

However, we’ve likely not reached the end of our long desert nightmare because the Wall Street Journal and the FBI haven’t relinquished their interest in our Chief Executive. However, the depression will no doubt be alleviated by Vote Gibbons Out‘s continued publication of ingenious PhotoShop graphics and commentary on a Governor just as popular as the Worse President Ever.

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