>Coffee and the Papers

>The Las Vegas Paranoid Press, Nevada’s only publication to file lawsuits for including their verbiage in posts and other formats, has a polling showing “Our Lady of Perpetual Campaigning” Sharron Angle, moving “up” in the GOP race for a crack at the Senate race. That she has proved unelectable to any office since leaving her State Assembly seat, doesn’t appear to bother her radical right wing supporters. Indeed, she seems to be closing on The Poultry Princess, and former beauty queen, Sue Lowden.

We’re Number 1: And, again on an unpleasant list. Nevada, specifically the Las Vegas Valley still leads the nation in home foreclosures. [Full Story: Las Vegas Sun] One out of every 69 homes in the area is vulnerable.

Senator Harry Reid’s the target of an RNSC blast about accepting donations from Bank of America in the past and now criticizing BofA’s practices. [TV13] But, wait, there’s more: “Republicans John Ensign and Dean Heller have both gotten money: senator ensign receiving $3,000 back in 2008. Congressman Heller got $8,000 in 2008, and another $1,000 this year.” Evidently, the GOP line is that one cannot accept campaign donations and then seek to regulate the practices of the corporation making the donation. If this is the philosophy of the RNSC, then a person could easily conclude that they take “pay to play” very seriously, or that the organization hews to the old saw, “A good politician is one who having been bought, stays bought.”

But, what will happen to Senator Blanche Lincoln’s (D-AR) proposal to divest commercial banks from their trading desks? TPM speculates that the Democrats may be delaying this thorny issue until after the Arkansas primary. PlumLine is predicting a run-off in Arkansas between Lincoln and Lt. Gov. Bill Halter.

New GOP Whine: “Greece’s Getting A Bail Out” but, wait… as usual there’s an explanation that reverses the pretzel logic – “How much will this cost American taxpayers? Nothing. The Fed’s swap lines tend to make money, not lose money. And since the IMF is already fully funded, it’s not like Congress will have to spend additional resources. Besides, as the White House is quick to point out, Americans have never lost money on IMF investments. By Pence’s reasoning, every time the IMF has ever intervened to help anyone, it constitutes an American “bailout” of the aided nation. Since U.S. administrations of both parties have supported IMF for decades, Pence should have started whining years ago.” [TWM] The bottom line is that Rep. Pence doesn’t have a strong grip on the mechanics of international finance.

Speaking of missing the point: Right wing media outlets are clinging to the story that SCOTUS nominee Elena Kagan “kicked military recruiters off the Harvard Campus.” Not. So. Fast. “Throughout Kagan’s tenure as dean, Harvard law students had access to military recruiters — either through Harvard’s Office of Career Services or through the Harvard Law School Veterans Association. Moreover, Kagan consistently followed existing law regarding access to military recruiters. Kagan briefly restricted (but did not eliminate) access to recruiters only after the U.S Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit ruled that law schools could do so.” And, since it was Harvard University’s call to make…she followed Harvard’s rules. [MMA] “Consistently followed existing law”… isn’t that the kind of thing conservative say they want in a member of the Supreme Court?

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